Senator Hinojosa’s Statement on TxDOT Appointment of New Executive Director

Today the Texas Transportation Commission appointed James Bass to lead TxDOT as the new Executive Director. I have worked with Mr. Bass over many years and I am confident that he has the experience and leadership to effectively guide the agency.

As an employee for over thirty years and as the CFO for the past ten years, James Bass has invaluable institutional knowledge that will be a tremendous asset for TxDOT.

As Vice Chair of the Senate Finance Committee and as a member of the Senate Select Transportation Planning Committee, I look forward to working with Mr. Bass on finding solutions to meet the transportation needs of all of Texas. Congratulations Mr. Bass!

 Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa proudly represents the counties of Nueces, Jim Wells, Brooks, and Hidalgo (part). Senator Hinojosa served as the Senate President Pro Tempore of the Texas Senate in the 84th Texas Legislature. Senator Hinojosa currently serves as Vice-Chairman of the Senate Committee on Finance, and serves on the Senate Committees on Natural Resources & Economic Development, Criminal Justice, Agriculture, Water & Rural Affairs as well as the Legislative Budget Board (LBB), and the Sunset Advisory Commission.

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