Senator Hinojosa Recognized for His Advocacy for Home Care and Hospice Services

For Immediate Release
August 15, 2012
Contact: Jennifer Saenz (512) 463-0120 office
(512) 497-9411 cell

AUSTIN – Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa, a long-time supporter and friend of the Texas Association for Home Care and Hospice (TAHC&H), will be presented with the People’s Choice Award at the organization’s annual meeting today in Galveston, Texas.

The award is presented each year to a visionary and highly principled lawmaker who has introduced bills that would enhance the quality of life for Texans through home care services and who works against those changes which would have an adverse effect on the quality of care and services provided.

Senator Hinojosa expressed his appreciation for the award and remarked on the importance of cooperative efforts to meet Texas’s growing health care needs.

“I am extremely grateful for TAHC&H’s generosity in honoring me with this award. Significant challenges continue to face lawmakers in health care policy today and collaborative efforts are needed to recognize and solve barriers in providing quality care. I want to thank TAHC&H for their hard work in supporting the growth of much-needed home care services and in their ability to partner with lawmakers to work effectively and successfully,” Hinojosa said.

TAHC&H has championed the collective interests of Texas home care agencies, organizations, service and supply companies, and individual professionals since its founding in 1969. Representing over 1,300 members, TAHC&H speaks with a strong unified voice for the interests of home care throughout Texas and gives home care providers a strategic pathway to key state lawmakers and health care regulators.

“Senator Hinojosa’s prudent actions during the 82nd session of the Texas Legislature regarding funding for community care programs and home care rates will ensure the continuation of cost-effective support of home care clients of all ages. The admirable efforts of him and his staff to serve as a resource to health care providers and their clients in his district and throughout the state merit this prestigious award,” said Rachael Hammon, Executive Director of TAHC&H.

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