Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa Presents Scholarship Endowment of $15,000 to Del Mar College

Today, Del Mar College in Corpus Christi held a check presentation recognizing Senator Hinojosa’s contribution to higher education. Senator Hinojosa showed his long-standing support for Del Mar College and his commitment to higher education through a $15,000 check to establish the Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa Endowed Scholarship from funds he raised in lieu of holding a “Governor for a Day” ceremony. These scholarships will go to support Del Mar College students living in his senatorial district.


“There is no greater investment than education,” Senator Hinojosa said. “Giving to universities and directly to students through this endowment to make college affordable is key. Education is the greatest equalizer. I am honored to play a role in helping our students attain a college education.”


Senator Hinojosa was elected the Senate’s President Pro Tempore this past 84th Legislative Session, serving as the Presiding Officer of the Senate in case of the Lieutenant Governor’s absence. The position, chosen by senators on a rotating basis, is highlighted with a ceremonial “Governor for a Day” event.


Instead of having a large ceremonial day of events and the pomp and circumstance that often accompanies this, Senator Hinojosa chose to focus on raising funds for endowed scholarships for the universities across his Senate District 20. His efforts resulted in $15,000 for Del Mar College.


Senator Hinojosa will also be making check presentations in the coming months to other higher education institutions across his district.  


Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa proudly represents the counties of Nueces, Jim Wells, Brooks, and Hidalgo (part). Senator Hinojosa currently serves as Vice Chairman of the Senate Committee on Finance, and serves on the Senate Committees on Natural Resources & Economic Development, Criminal Justice, Agriculture, Water & Rural Affairs as well as the Legislative Budget Board (LBB), and the Sunset Advisory Commission.

Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa to Speak at the “Friday Morning Group” in Corpus Christi

WHAT: Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa will present an 84th Legislative Session update at The Friday Morning Group regarding critical issues and new laws affecting Senate District 20 as well as statewide.

The Friday Morning Group (FMG) is comprised of active and retired business executives and professionals and is unique in Corpus Christi. For more than 60 years the FMG has served the citizens through interactive programs that inform and bring clear answers to important issues.

FMG is loosely organized, having no constitution or bylaws. It is a well-informed group of men and women who seek to be intellectually stimulated for 50 minutes each Friday morning with no other agenda.

DATE: Friday, November 13
TIME: 7:00 a.m.
WHERE: The Citrus Bistro
100 N. Shoreline,
Corpus Christi, TX 78401

Senator Hinojosa appointed to Health & Human Services Transition Legislative Oversight Committee

AUSTIN, TX — Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick recently appointed Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa as a member of the Health and Human Services Transition Legislative Oversight Committee. The committee will help guide the reorganization of five existing agencies into one, as a result of legislation passed this last session.


Senator Hinojosa offered the following statement regarding his appointment:


“I thank Lt. Governor Patrick for appointing me to this committee and entrusting me to help lead an important consolidation of our health and human services agencies. This consolidation will increase accountability and transparency as well as streamline operations so that our Texas families have better access to critically needed services.


I look forward to working with the other committee members as well as the Health and Human Services Commission to ensure the transition is as smooth as possible for the agency and the residents they serve.”


Other Senate members appointed to the Committee include Co-Chairman Jane Nelson, Senators Brian Birdwell, and Charles Schwertner.


Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa proudly represents the counties of Nueces, Jim Wells, Brooks, and Hidalgo (part). Senator Hinojosa served as the Senate President Pro Tempore of the Texas Senate in the 84th Texas Legislature. Senator Hinojosa currently serves as Vice-Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, and serves on the Senate Committees on Natural Resources & Economic Development, Criminal Justice, Agriculture, Water & Rural Affairs as well as the Legislative Budget Board (LBB), and the Sunset Advisory Commission.

Senator Hinojosa Announces New Senior Policy Advisor

AUSTIN, TX — Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa announces that Desireé Castro has been promoted to Senior Policy Advisor. She has been a policy analyst with Senator Hinojosa’s office for almost three years.

Desireé covers criminal justice, border security, windstorm insurance, and business and commerce issues. She earned an MPA and a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi. Prior to working with Senator Hinojosa, Desireé worked for the Corpus Christi Chamber of Commerce as their Government Affairs Coordinator.

Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa proudly represents the counties of Nueces, Jim Wells, Brooks, and Hidalgo (part). Senator Hinojosa served as the Senate President Pro Tempore of the Texas Senate in the 84th Texas Legislature. Senator Hinojosa currently serves as Vice-Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, and serves on the Senate Committees on Natural Resources & Economic Development, Criminal Justice, Agriculture, Water & Rural Affairs as well as the Legislative Budget Board (LBB), and the Sunset Advisory Commission.

Senator Hinojosa Announces New Legislative Director

AUSTIN, TX — Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa announces Roxanne DeLaGarza Garcia as his new Legislative Director. Roxanne is currently a Senior Policy Analyst and has been with Senator Hinojosa’s office for five years.

Roxanne previously served as the Committee Director of the Senate Intergovernmental Relations Committee and currently covers education, agriculture, and local government issues. She has an MBA from the University of Texas Pan American and a B.S. in Public Health from Texas A&M University. Roxanne replaces Josh Reyna as Legislative Director who has left the office to pursue a career in the private law sector in his hometown of McAllen, TX.

Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa proudly represents the counties of Nueces, Jim Wells, Brooks, and Hidalgo (part). Senator Hinojosa served as the Senate President Pro Tempore of the Texas Senate in the 84th Texas Legislature. Senator Hinojosa currently serves as Vice-Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, and serves on the Senate Committees on Natural Resources & Economic Development, Criminal Justice, Agriculture, Water & Rural Affairs as well as the Legislative Budget Board (LBB), and the Sunset Advisory Commission.

Senator Hinojosa’s Statement on DSHS Commissioner Cole’s Response Letter Regarding Birth Certificates

The Department of State Health Services (DSHS) Commissioner Kirk Cole issued a response to my letter concerning the state refusing to issue birth certificates to persons born here in the United States.

DSHS stated that nothing has changed in recent years on the types of identification required for the issuance of a birth certificate and in fact, in 2010, their internal handbook was revised to specifically state that the official matrícula consular card cannot be accepted. While this policy may not have changed, the implementation of this policy has most certainly changed. For many years, the matrícula has been used as a satisfactory form of identification in many field offices statewide, specifically in the Rio Grande Valley.

As an example, many of the plaintiffs in the federal lawsuit against DSHS, as well as others who have come forward, had easily been able to obtain a birth certificate for their U.S. born child prior to 2014 using a matrícula. It was only in 2014 when parents were suddenly told that it was no longer accepted as a valid form of identification. It is also my understanding in speaking with DSHS, that they have no direct control over their field offices, so that implementation of this policy would seem to me to be hard to assess. While this may have been a policy, it was not enforced consistently.

The response by DSHS also does nothing to present a solution to this problem. If the matrícula will no longer be accepted, what is the alternative? The problem will persist and U.S. born children will continue to be denied their citizenship. These children were born in the United States, are United States citizens, and are entitled to receive their own birth certificates.

While protecting the identity of Texans and securing vital records is of the utmost importance, the state is simultaneously denying the child citizenship rights. It is critical we find a solution such as alternative documents including a baptism certificate, a hospital birth record, or similar documents.

We cannot continue a process that creates a severe disadvantage for these children with respect to medical care, school enrollment and other benefits these children are entitled to on the basis of their U.S. citizenship. We need to protect the child’s rights as a citizen provided under the United States Constitution.

Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa proudly represents the counties of Nueces, Jim Wells, Brooks, and Hidalgo (part). Senator Hinojosa served as the Senate President Pro Tempore of the Texas Senate in the 84th Texas Legislature. Senator Hinojosa currently serves as Vice-Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, and serves on the Senate Committees on Natural Resources & Economic Development, Criminal Justice, Agriculture, Water & Rural Affairs as well as the Legislative Budget Board (LBB), and the Sunset Advisory Commission.

Senator Hinojosa’s Statement on Voter ID Law Ruling

AUSTIN, TX – Today, the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals struck down the Texas Voter ID Law as violating the Voting Rights Act. The Texas Voter ID law passed as Senate Bill 14 from the 82nd Regular Legislative Session in 2011 as a way to prevent voter fraud.

Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa issued the following statement:

“This ruling confirms what we have been saying all along. The Voter ID law violates the federal 50 year-old Voting Rights Act that prohibits racial discrimination in voting. The right for our Texas citizens to vote must not be burdened with unnecessary hurdles.

Our Constitution aims toward improving our representative democracy. A better representative democracy depends on the inclusion and participation of citizens during elections. Creating barriers and turning away eligible voters undermines our democracy and creates voter suppression against our citizens.”

Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa proudly represents the counties of Nueces, Jim Wells, Brooks, and Hidalgo (part). Senator Hinojosa served as the Senate President Pro Tempore of the Texas Senate in the 84th Texas Legislature. Senator Hinojosa currently serves as Vice-Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, and serves on the Senate Committees on Natural Resources & Economic Development, Criminal Justice, Agriculture, Water & Rural Affairs as well as the Legislative Budget Board (LBB), and the Sunset Advisory Commission.

Senator Hinojosa’s Statement on Gov. Abbott’s Line-Item Vetoes to the State Budget

AUSTIN, TX – Late yesterday, Legislative Budget Board Director Ursula Parks sent a letter to Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar concerning Governor Abbott’s line-item vetoes of riders to the state budget. The letter stated that the Governor’s veto proclamation, listing line items he chose to eliminate from the budget, goes beyond what is authorized in the Texas Constitution, is unprecedented, and is contrary to both practice and expectation.

Senator Hinojosa issued the following statement:

“I am expressing my concerns regarding Governor Abbott’s line-item vetoes.

Our Texas Constitution is clear — very specific and limited powers are granted to the Governor with respect to vetoing appropriations. The significant power to veto “items of appropriation” is afforded, but not the authority to amend or veto legislative direction or intent. In addition, in 1911 the Texas Supreme Court has ruled that the Governor’s veto authority is limited only to that found in the Constitution, Article 4, Section 14. This decision remains good law and has been cited in various Attorney General opinions.

Allowing the Governor’s line-item vetoes of riders would significantly expand the power of the Governor by allowing not only legislative appropriations to be vetoed, but also non-appropriation provisions of legislative direction and intent. The issue is not one of spending, but the issue of protecting the Constitution and the separation of powers of our executive, judicial and legislative branches under our Constitution.”

Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa proudly represents the counties of Nueces, Jim Wells, Brooks, and Hidalgo (part). Senator Hinojosa served as the Senate President Pro Tempore of the Texas Senate in the 84th Texas Legislature. Senator Hinojosa currently serves as Vice-Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, and serves on the Senate Committees on Natural Resources & Economic Development, Criminal Justice, Agriculture, Water & Rural Affairs as well as the Legislative Budget Board (LBB), and the Sunset Advisory Commission.


AUSTIN – Today, Governor Greg Abbott signed into law HB 2037 authored by State Representative Charlie Geren and sponsored by Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa, a bill that relates to compensation for certain peace officers. HB 2037 ensures that Attorney General peace officers arecompensated at the equivalent rank of other state police officers.

The Attorney General’s Law Enforcement Division and Medicaid Fraud Control Unit currently consist of 167 commissioned peace officers that are compensated under Schedule B of the General Appropriations Act and are classified as Investigators III-VII, Managers III-IV, and Directors I-II. HB 2037 provides that these peace officers are paid according to the Class C salary schedule, which governs commissioned law enforcement positions.

Senator Hinojosa issued the following statement:

“I am pleased Governor Abbott signed into law this measure that addresses the inequality in compensation of officers employed by the Attorney General. The duties of the Attorney General’s law enforcement division include important tasks of conducting criminal investigations, apprehending fugitives and internet predators, and providing assistance to law enforcement.

Yet, the Attorney General state police officers are compensated at approximately $20,000 less than the equivalent rank of other state police officers. I am proud that we addressed this disparity among our state law enforcement officers.”

Under HB 2037, commissioned peace officers within the Office of Attorney General’s Law Enforcement Division and Medicaid Fraud Control Unit would be classified as Sergeants, Lieutenants, Captains, and Majors under Schedule C. HB 2037 also allows the attorney general peace officers to qualify for hazardous duty pay and injury leave.

The Attorney General’s Law Enforcement Division is comprised of several components that conduct complex investigations that other agencies do not have the expertise or resources to investigate. These specialized units include: Cyber Crimes, Computer Forensics, Fugitive Apprehension, and Special Investigations. The Medicaid Fraud Control Unit investigates and prosecutes criminal fraud by Medicaid providers, physical abuse and criminal neglect at Medicaid-funded healthcare facilities, and the embezzlement of funds. In the past decade, the unit obtained about 1,400 criminal indictments and recovered approximately $1.2 billion taxpayer dollars, about half of which was returned to General Revenue.

Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa proudly represents the counties of Nueces, Jim Wells, Brooks, and Hidalgo (part). Senator Hinojosa serves as the Senate President Pro Tempore of the Texas Senate in the 84th Texas Legislature. Senator Hinojosa currently serves as Vice-Chairman of the Senate Committee on Finance, and serves on the Senate Committees on Natural Resources & Economic Development, Criminal Justice, Agriculture, Water & Rural Affairs as well as the Legislative Budget Board (LBB), and the Sunset Advisory Commission.

Senator Hinojosa Appointed to Senate Select Committee on Transportation Planning

AUSTIN, TX — Today, Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick appointed Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa as a member of the Senate Select Committee on Transportation Planning, created by HB 20. The committee will oversee the state’s approach to infrastructure planning, and the operations and expenditures by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) and planning organizations.

Senator Hinojosa offered the following statement regarding his appointment:

“I thank Lt. Governor Patrick for entrusting me with the important task of planning for our state’s future transportation needs and appointing me to this committee.

Transportation is the lifeblood of our economy. For decades, our state highway system was efficient, expeditious, and the envy of other states. Our highways made Texas the economic powerhouse it is today. But with demand for road space now far outpacing supply, the lack of planning and investment in our transportation infrastructure could bring our economy to a halt.

We must work towards expanding our roads and highways, advancing our transportation infrastructure goals, and improving the safety of our families. I look forward to working with the committee to find ways to provide the transportation planning and infrastructure that our state needs and Texans deserve.”

Other members of the Committee include Chairman Robert Nichols, Senators Bob Hall, Joan Huffman, and Charles Perry.

The Senate Select Committee on Transportation Planning is tasked with evaluating numerous matters including: (1) TxDOT projections regarding revenue needed to maintain current maintenance, congestion, and connectivity conditions; (2) TxDOT’s rules/policies regarding project prioritization; (3) TxDOT’s collaboration with state elected officials, local governments, MPOs, RMAs and other entities when adopting rules or policies; (4) Performance metrics used by TxDOT to evaluate the performance of a project or program; (5) Other matters the committee considers appropriate.

Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa proudly represents the counties of Nueces, Jim Wells, Brooks, and Hidalgo (part). Senator Hinojosa served as the Senate President Pro Tempore of the Texas Senate in the 84th Texas Legislature. Senator Hinojosa currently serves as Vice-Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, and serves on the Senate Committees on Natural Resources & Economic Development, Criminal Justice, Agriculture, Water & Rural Affairs as well as the Legislative Budget Board (LBB), and the Sunset Advisory Commission.