AUSTIN, TX – Today, the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) approved $8.3 million in financial assistance for the City of McAllen consisting of a $7.1 million loan and $1.2 million in loan forgiveness. Funding for these grants comes from the Clean Water State Revolving Fund which provides below-market interest rate loans for wastewater management projects.

These funds will be used to finance the construction of wastewater system improvements for McAllen’s North Wastewater Treatment Plant, including preparations for the forthcoming 2,500 acre Tres Lagos master-planned community.

Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa stated, “It’s great news that the City of McAllen was approved for $8.3 million in financial assistance and I thank the TWDB for approving such a large loan. This wastewater management project is greatly needed to improve the water infrastructure of McAllen and to better serve the public while simultaneously protecting the environment.”

McAllen Mayor Jim Darling also commented, “Our growth in McAllen is significant and we are excited with the approval of this loan to help facilitate improvements to our wastewater treatment system. This funding from TWDB is very appreciated and is critical to our community’s development.”

Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa proudly represents the counties of Nueces, Jim Wells, Brooks, and Hidalgo (part). Senator Hinojosa served as the Senate President Pro Tempore of the Texas Senate in the 84th Texas Legislature. Senator Hinojosa currently serves as Vice-Chairman of the Senate Committee on Finance, and serves on the Senate Committees on Natural Resources & Economic Development; Criminal Justice; Agriculture, Water & Rural Affairs as well as the Sunset Advisory Commission.


AUSTIN, TX- Today, at the Texas Transportation Commission (TxDOT) meeting, the Commission granted final approval of a $42.2 million State Infrastructure Bank (SIB) loan for the Hidalgo County Regional Mobility Authority (HCRMA) to be used for the State Highway 365 Project. TxDOT and HCRMA have been proceeding with the development of the SH 365 project in Hidalgo County that includes three segments of both toll and non-toll improvements. The $42.2 million will pay for costs of right-of-way, utility relocation, and construction of SH 365 to better prepare the Rio Grande Valley for commercial trade.

Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa was in attendance at the hearing today to offer his appreciation to TxDOT as well as to highlight the importance of this project:

“I thank the Commission for approving the $42.2 million SIB loan for the Hidalgo County RMA and for working with us throughout the lengthy process. The SH 365 Project is critical for our region because this is the corridor that will facilitate the flow of commercial traffic coming in from Mexico, and get the trucks off our city streets. We generate $200 billion in trade with Mexico every year, which is key, not only here in the Valley in terms of creating jobs, but for the entire state of Texas. This is an important investment for our future since transportation is the lifeblood of our economy.”

TxDOT Chairman Lewis offered his remarks:

“As a result of the hard work by leadership from the HCRMA and other legislative and local officials from the area, the Rio Grande Valley will have a very important international freight and congestion relief corridor, State Highway 365. Investment such as this is crucial to the future of the Valley and our state’s economic growth. I am glad that we have been able to work with our partners at HCRMA to further this important corridor.”

Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa proudly represents the counties of Nueces, Jim Wells, Brooks, and Hidalgo (part). Senator Hinojosa served as the Senate President Pro Tempore of the Texas Senate in the 84th Texas Legislature. Senator Hinojosa currently serves as Vice-Chairman of the Senate Committee on Finance, and serves on the Senate Committees on Natural Resources & Economic Development, Criminal Justice, Agriculture, Water & Rural Affairs as well as the Sunset Advisory Commission.

Senator Hinojosa Announces First Sales Tax Holiday on Water Efficient Products Next Weekend May 28-30

AUSTIN, TX –  Today Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa, along with Comptroller Glenn Hager and State Representative Drew Darby, held a press conference announcing the first ever sales tax holiday for water efficient products intended to encourage water conservation. This Memorial Day Weekend, beginning Saturday, May 28 through midnight on Monday, May 30, Texans can purchase water conservation products and/or a WaterSense product without paying a sales tax.

This past legislative session, Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa authored and passed SB 1356 to add water efficient products to the already existing tax free weekend for energy efficient products to incentivize consumers statewide to make smart choices in conserving water. Water efficient products save consumers money and reduce consumption rates for our state’s valuable water resources, which are even more valuable in the event of a drought.

Senator Hinojosa issued the following statement:

“Although Texas is currently experiencing heavy rains and dangerous flooding, we must remember that many of our state’s regions are “water-challenged” and often experience long periods of drought which can have devastating impacts to our state. I’m proud to have passed legislation to help our families statewide get a tax break as they do their part to conserve water and utilize water efficient products.

This tax free weekend is estimated to save our hard-working Texans almost $5 million in sales tax by buying these products over the Memorial Day weekend. We hope to raise public awareness about the importance of water conservation through this tax free weekend highlighting the steps that Texans can take to make smart water choices in an effort to have more water available during times of drought.”

Tax free items include shower heads, a soaker or drip-irrigation hose, mulch, plants, trees, and grasses, rain barrels, a moisture control for a sprinkler or irrigation system, and others. There is no limit on the number of qualifying items you can purchase. The following link to the Texas Comptroller’s webpage will provide more information:

Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa proudly represents the counties of Nueces, Jim Wells, Brooks, and Hidalgo (part). Senator Hinojosa served as the Senate President Pro Tempore of the Texas Senate in the 84th Texas Legislature. Senator Hinojosa currently serves as Vice-Chairman of the Senate Committee on Finance, and serves on the Senate Committees on Natural Resources & Economic Development; Criminal Justice; Agriculture, Water & Rural Affairs as well as the Sunset Advisory Commission.


AUSTIN, TX – Today, the Texas Supreme Court ruled that the Texas school finance system is constitutional. Senator Hinojosa issued the following statement:

“I am disappointed with the Texas Supreme Court’s ruling that Texas’ school finance system is constitutional. Education is the best equalizer we have in our society and we cannot succeed as a state if we do not make smart investments in our students, teachers, and schools.

The state’s funding formula fails to provide adequate funding and to distribute it fairly among school districts. Our children and families should not be penalized because of their neighborhood. Each child should receive an equal amount of funding regardless of where the child lives. Texas must provide an equal playing field to ensure comparable access to educational funds for every public school system. Our children deserve better.”

Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa proudly represents the counties of Nueces, Jim Wells, Brooks, and Hidalgo (part). Senator Hinojosa served as the Senate President Pro Tempore of the Texas Senate in the 84th Texas Legislature. Senator Hinojosa currently serves as Vice-Chairman of the Senate Committee on Finance, and serves on the Senate Committees on Natural Resources & Economic Development; Criminal Justice; Agriculture, Water & Rural Affairs as well as the Sunset Advisory Commission.

Texas Parks & Wildlife Commission Awards Corpus Christi & Edinburg $133,000 in Grants to Benefit our Children

AUSTIN –  This week, the Texas Parks and Wildlife (TPW) Commission approved Community Outdoor Outreach Grants to youth programs in the cities of Corpus Christi and Edinburg. The recipients of these grants are (1) the Boys and Girls Club of Edinburg, (2) the City of Corpus Christi Parks and Recreation-OSO Bay Wetlands Preserve and Learning Center, and (3) South Texas Botanical Gardens and Nature Center.  Funding for these grants comes from the state sales tax on sporting goods.

As Vice Chair of the Senate Finance Committee, Senator Hinojosa was instrumental in the legislature’s decision to appropriate $90 million to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission for critical park repairs, new projects for local parks, and outdoor youth programs across Texas.

“I thank the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission for the $133,000 in funding to give our South Texas youths the opportunity to participate in outdoor and nature programs learning more about their environment. These programs will provide our children with education, hands-on experiences, and more time enjoying nature,” stated Senator Hinojosa.

Boys & Girls Club of Edinburg – $35,500 grant for 500 youth to study nature through interactive lessons in birding, environmental conservation and more. These children will also visit state parks and the World Birding Centers.

City of Corpus Christi Parks and Recreation-OSO Bay Wetlands Preserve and Learning Center – $48,033 for a new youth program that will increase students’ environmental literacy fostering future environmental stewards. By utilizing the new Oso Bay Wetlands Preserve and Learning Center, students will study biodiversity, overfishing, ocean acidification, and pollution.

South Texas Botanical Gardens and Nature Center – $49,216 for low-income youth to experience a week long summer camp for free that includes a three day birding program and nature photography.

Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa proudly represents the counties of Nueces, Jim Wells, Brooks, and Hidalgo (part). Senator Hinojosa served as the Senate President Pro Tempore of the Texas Senate in the 84th Texas Legislature. Senator Hinojosa currently serves as Vice-Chairman of the Senate Committee on Finance, and serves on the Senate Committees on Natural Resources & Economic Development; Criminal Justice; Agriculture, Water & Rural Affairs as well as the Sunset Advisory Commission.

Senator Hinojosa Congratulates David Deanda, Jr. on his appointment by Governor Abbott as Hidalgo County RMA Chairman

AUSTIN, TX – Today, Governor Greg Abbott appointed David Deanda, Jr. of Mission, Texas  to serve as Chairman of the Hidalgo County Regional Mobility Authority (RMA), a local transportation authority working to finance, design, construct, operate, maintain, expand, or extend transportation projects in Hidalgo County.

Mr. Deanda, President of Lone Star National Bank and President of the Mission Economic Development Corporation, is a seasoned banker known for fostering relationships and serving the community to advance the growth of the Rio Grande Valley. He was honored in 2014 for his leadership and contributions to the business community in the Valley by the U.S. Small Business Administration’s Rio Grande Valley District Office.

Senator Hinojosa issued the following statement regarding his appointment:

“David Deanda is an excellent choice to lead the Hidalgo County RMA and I was pleased to confirm Governor Abbott’s selection. In working with Mr. Deanda over many years, I am confident that he has the background, experience, knowledge, and leadership to effectively guide our local transportation authority.

He will be a great asset in planning and financing the transportation infrastructure needs of Hidalgo County. I look forward to working with him to improve mobility and enhance the quality of life and economic vitality of our region.

Congratulations Mr. Deanda!”

Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa proudly represents the counties of Nueces, Jim Wells, Brooks, and Hidalgo (part). Senator Hinojosa served as the Senate President Pro Tempore of the Texas Senate in the 84th Texas Legislature. Senator Hinojosa currently serves as Vice-Chairman of the Senate Committee on Finance, and serves on the Senate Committees on Natural Resources & Economic Development, Criminal Justice, Agriculture, Water & Rural Affairs as well as the Sunset Advisory Commission.

Senator Hinojosa Appointed Vice Chair of Joint Committee to Study the Development of a Cruise Industry

AUSTIN, TX — Today, Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick appointed Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa as Vice Chair of the Joint Committee to Study the Development of a Cruise Industry. The committee will study the economic possibility of developing a cruise industry on the Texas coast between Calhoun and Cameron Counties, including its potential economic impact and options to attract the cruise industry to South Texas.

Senator Hinojosa offered the following statement regarding his appointment:

“I thank Lt. Governor Patrick for appointing me Vice Chair to the Joint Committee to Study the Development of a Cruise Industry. Here in Texas we are blessed with a beautiful stretch of coastline with three major deep-water ports along the gulf coast offering our economy and businesses significant potential for the development of a cruise industry.

The committee’s research will help private industry identify new cruise ship hosting opportunities from Calhoun to Cameron Counties that already have the needed access points, and the economic vitality of South Texas is primed for further development. A successful cruise industry here in Texas will only increase our already thriving economy and significantly contribute to our tourism industry.”

Other members of the Committee include Chairwoman Lois Kolkhorst, Senators Joan Huffman, Eddie Lucio, Jr., and Larry Taylor.

Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa proudly represents the counties of Nueces, Jim Wells, Brooks, and Hidalgo (part). Senator Hinojosa served as the Senate President Pro Tempore of the Texas Senate in the 84th Texas Legislature. Senator Hinojosa currently serves as Vice-Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, and serves on the Senate Committees on Natural Resources & Economic Development, Criminal Justice, Agriculture, Water & Rural Affairs as well as  the Sunset Advisory Commission.

Sales Tax Holiday on Emergency Preparation Supplies This Weekend April 23 – 25

AUSTIN, TX –  This coming weekend is the first ever Texas Sales Tax Holiday on Emergency Preparation Supplies. Beginning Saturday, April 23 through midnight on Monday, April 25, Texans can purchase emergency supplies and hurricane-proofing materials without paying a sales tax.

This past legislative session, Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa authored and passed SB 904 to create this tax free weekend for consumers all over the state to be better prepared for weather events or disasters, including hail storms, hurricanes, floods, wildfires, and more.

Senator Hinojosa issued the following statement:

“As Texas is currently experiencing heavy rains and dangerous flooding, it is appropriate timing and an important reminder that all of us need to be prepared for a potential weather-related emergency.  I’m proud to have passed legislation to help our families statewide get a tax break as they prepare for severe weather, floods, hail storms, or other emergencies.

The tax free weekend is also an incentive for Texans to better protect their lives and property during and after a potential weather emergency. By raising public awareness about the importance of mitigation and being prepared, we can prevent potential tragedies.  

I encourage our hard-working Texas families to take full advantage of this new tax holiday by buying as many items as your family needs to be best prepared for weather-related events.”

Tax free items include certain portable generators and hurricane shutters, as well as smaller emergency and storm preparedness items such as weather radios, rope ladders, smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, and first aid kits. There is no limit on the number of qualifying items you can purchase. The following link to the Texas Comptroller’s webpage will provide more information:

Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa proudly represents the counties of Nueces, Jim Wells, Brooks, and Hidalgo (part). Senator Hinojosa served as the Senate President Pro Tempore of the Texas Senate in the 84th Texas Legislature. Senator Hinojosa currently serves as Vice-Chairman of the Senate Committee on Finance, and serves on the Senate Committees on Natural Resources & Economic Development; Criminal Justice; Agriculture, Water & Rural Affairs as well as the Sunset Advisory Commission.

Congressman Cuellar and Senator Hinojosa To Hold Media Press Conference

MISSION, TX – On Monday, Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-TX-28) and State Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa will hold a joint media press conference to discuss border security and border infrastructure projects at the state and federal levels, among other topics. All media are invited.

If you would like to attend, please RSVP to Rafael Benavides by noon Monday. He may be reached by phone at 956-286-6007 or via email at

WHO:             Congressman Henry Cuellar, State Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa

WHAT:          To discuss border security and border infrastructure projects, among other topics, with the media

WHERE:       Congressman Cuellar’s Mission District Office

117 E. Tom Landry, Mission, TX 78572

WHEN:          Monday, April 11 at 2:00 p.m.

Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa proudly represents the counties of Nueces, Jim Wells, Brooks, and Hidalgo (part). Senator Hinojosa served as the Senate President Pro Tempore of the Texas Senate in the 84th Texas Legislature. Senator Hinojosa currently serves as Vice-Chairman of the Senate Committee on Finance, and serves on the Senate Committees on Natural Resources & Economic Development; Criminal Justice; Agriculture, Water & Rural Affairs as well as the Sunset Advisory Commission.

The City of McAllen Awarded $500,000 To Develop Tres Lagos Park

AUSTIN –  Today, the Texas Parks and Wildlife (TPW) Commission approved a $500,000 grant to the City of McAllen for the Tres Lagos Park. This funding is available through the TPW Local Grants Program, Non-Urban Outdoor Grant Projects. Funding for these grants comes from the state sales tax on sporting goods.

The $500,000 grant will create the first park in the Tres Lagos Public Improvement District. The proposed development includes lighted trails with exercise equipment, practice baseball/soccer fields, playgrounds, grills, lighted basketball and tennis courts, fishing dock/kayak launch, landscaping, pet stations and much more.

As Vice Chair of the Senate Finance Committee, Senator Hinojosa was instrumental in the legislature’s decision to appropriate $90 million to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission for critical park repairs and new projects for city and county parks across Texas.

“I thank the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission for the $500,000 in funding to construct the first park facilities in Tres Lagos for our families in McAllen. This project will help our community by generating jobs, providing sites for neighborhood events, and contributing to a healthy lifestyle for our local residents using park facilities,” stated Senator Hinojosa.

McAllen Mayor Jim Darling also commented, “Our growth in McAllen is significant and we are excited with the Tres Lagos community that is being developed. This funding from TPW is very appreciated and is critical to building our first Tres Legos Park for our residents to enjoy.”

Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa proudly represents the counties of Nueces, Jim Wells, Brooks, and Hidalgo (part). Senator Hinojosa served as the Senate President Pro Tempore of the Texas Senate in the 84th Texas Legislature. Senator Hinojosa currently serves as Vice-Chairman of the Senate Committee on Finance, and serves on the Senate Committees on Natural Resources & Economic Development; Criminal Justice; Agriculture, Water & Rural Affairs as well as the Sunset Advisory Commission.