Nueces County Legislative Delegation Statement on Response to COVID-19 Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa, State Rep. Todd Hunter, & State Rep. Abel Herrero are Monitoring Federal, State, and Local Response

AUSTIN, TX – Our offices continue to monitor the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. We are in constant communication with local, state, and federal officials to get the latest information about our response and preparedness.

Today, Texas Legislators had a conference call with Governor Greg Abbott, Dr. John Hellerstedt, Commissioner of the Department of State Health Services, Chief Nim Kidd, Chief of the Texas Division of Emergency Management, and Mike Morath, Commissioner of the Texas Education Agency. Governor Abbott assured us that Texas is prepared and we have the capacity to deal with this virus. Our current supply of specimen collection kits as well as lab capacity currently exceeds demand. A state designated testing lab is expected to open in Corpus Christi within the week.

As of this afternoon, Texas has 23 confirmed cases and 104 individuals who are awaiting results from testing. Our state agencies are collaborating with each other and working closely with local officials to quickly respond to current and future outbreaks. This includes Commissioner Morath communicating daily with superintendents across the state to provide guidance for schools that opt to cancel in-classroom instruction.

To successfully combat this outbreak requires teamwork — from all levels of government and the community. We continue to encourage everyone to take precautionary steps to protect themselves and to help prevent the spread of the virus. These actions include:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using household cleaning sprays or wipes.
  • Encourage to avoid attending unessential large public gatherings.

As more information becomes available, we will provide additional updates. In the meantime, let’s be proactive and work together to follow the precautionary steps listed above. Also, it is important to listen to local health officials and comply with their directives to help contain the spread of this virus. For more information on COVID-19 in Texas visit


AUSTIN — Today, the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) approved $17.4 million in financial assistance for the North Alamo Water Supply Corporation (“North Alamo”) consisting of a $14.8 million loan and $2.6 million in loan forgiveness from the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF). North Alamo, located in Edinburg, furnishes a drinking water and wastewater utility service for rural residents of eastern Hidalgo County, Willacy County, and northwestern Cameron County.

Currently, North Alamo operates seven surface water treatment plants, four brackish groundwater desalination plants, and five wastewater treatment plants. North Alamo will use the funds for the planning, acquisition, design, and construction of certain water system improvements. North Alamo serves 47,489 water connections for an estimated population of 182,130. With water demand projected to double over the next 50 years in North Alamo’s service area, North Alamo will need to develop nearly 29,000 acre-feet per year of new supplies by 2070. To meet this projected deficit, the North Alamo project will expand surface water supplies and increase brackish groundwater desalination production.

Senator Hinojosa issued the following statement:

“I am pleased that the TWDB has approved North Alamo’s request for a $17.4 million loan to develop new water supply sources. Water supply reliability is one of the most pressing social and economic challenges of our time and is vital to the continued development of our communities and local economies. These funds will allow North Alamo to keep up with the population growth and water demand in their service area.” 

Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa proudly represents the counties of Nueces, Jim Wells, Brooks, and Hidalgo (part). Senator Hinojosa currently serves as Vice-Chairman of the Senate Committee on Finance, and serves on the Senate Committees on Property Tax; Natural Resources & Economic Development; Transportation; Agriculture; and Select Committees on Redistricting and Texas Ports.

Senator Hinojosa Appointed to the Windstorm Insurance Legislative Funding and Funding Structure Oversight Board by Lieutenant Governor Patrick

AUSTIN — Today, Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick appointed Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa to the Windstorm Insurance Legislative Funding and Funding Structure Oversight Board which was created this past session with the passage of House Bill 1900, co-sponsored by Senator Hinojosa. The board is charged with gathering information regarding how the association’s current funding and funding structure operate and how the catastrophic risk pools of other states operate.

Senator Hinojosa issued the following statement:

“I appreciate the appointment by Lt. Governor Dan Patrick to the Windstorm Insurance Legislative Funding and Funding Structure Oversight Board. I will continue being a strong advocate for fair windstorm insurance rates. I proudly co-sponsored HB 1900 which created this oversight board to develop recommendations regarding TWIA’s funding structure and operations. I look forward to working with my legislative colleagues and our coastal communities to improve regulations and propose funding structures that ensure reasonable, fair, and affordable windstorm insurance rates for coastal residents.”

The board is mandated to report its recommendations to the Legislature by Nov. 15, 2020. Other members of the committee include Senator Kelly Hancock, Co-Chairman, Senator Larry Taylor, and Senator Charles Schwertner.

Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa proudly represents the counties of Nueces, Jim Wells, Brooks, and Hidalgo (part). Senator Hinojosa currently serves as Vice-Chairman of the Senate Committee on Finance and the Senate Committee on Redistricting, and serves on the Senate Committees on Property Tax; Natural Resources & Economic Development; Transportation; Agriculture; and Select Committee on Texas Ports.


AUSTIN —Today, the Texas General Land Office (GLO) approved the City of Robstown’s (City) grant application for $100,000 submitted to the GLO’s Hurricane Harvey Local Infrastructure Program. The City will use the grant for drainage and street improvements, facilitating proper stormwater conveyance, provide continued street access during rain events and reducing the impact of future flooding. The GLO will continue to work with the City to execute the contract.

The program is administered by the GLO and is funded by $413 million in Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) funds issued by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The GLO allocated the funds to regional Council of Governments’ (COGs) based on a HUD approved needs assessment. COG boards are comprised of officials from the impacted communities elected in part to prioritize funds allocated for recovery programs.

The GLO’s Hurricane Harvey Local Infrastructure Program represents another option for counties and municipalities to fund local projects. This past session, funding for flood mitigation projects was a priority for the Texas Legislature following Hurricane Harvey. As Vice Chair of the Senate Finance Committee, Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa was instrumental in securing funding to help local communities plan for future flood events. Senator Hinojosa was a co-author of Senate Bill 500, which authorized a transfer of $793 million from the “Rainy Day” Fund to the Flood Infrastructure Fund.

Senator Hinojosa issued the following statement:

“Nearly three years later, cities like Robstown are still rebuilding infrastructure damaged by Hurricane Harvey and preparing for future storms. I want congratulate the City of Robstown for obtaining this grant. I greatly appreciate the efforts the City’s leadership to protect our residents and their property from future flooding events.” 

Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa proudly represents the counties of Nueces, Jim Wells, Brooks, and Hidalgo (part). Senator Hinojosa currently serves as Vice-Chairman of the Senate Committee on Finance, and serves on the Senate Committees on Property Tax; Natural Resources & Economic Development; Transportation; Agriculture; and Select Committees on Redistricting and Texas Ports.


AUSTIN — Today, the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB), at their regularly scheduled board meeting approved the City of Alton’s request for $8.5 million in financial assistance from the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) to finance the planning, acquisition, design, and construction of a drainage improvements project. Funding from the CWSRF provides below-market interest rate loans for wastewater management projects.

The proposed project is intended to relieve the frequent flooding of several neighborhoods. During rain events, floodwaters create inflow and infiltration issues for the City’s wastewater collection system. This issue increases the cost and capacity required to treat wastewater when the sewer and treatment systems become overwhelmed by the increased amount of stormwater. The stormwater runoff in the project area typically takes about a week to recede.

Senator Hinojosa issued the following statement:

“It’s great news that the City of Alton was approved for $8.5 million in financial assistance and I thank the TWDB for approving this loan.  This wastewater management project is greatly needed to improve the management of stormwater in Alton during flood events. Knowing the frequency of flooding within Alton, I commend city officials for taking action to help the people living in the identified flood prone areas.” 

Construction for the proposed project is scheduled to start July 1, 2022 and is expected to be completed July 1, 2023.

Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa proudly represents the counties of Nueces, Jim Wells, Brooks, and Hidalgo (part). Senator Hinojosa currently serves as Vice-Chairman of the Senate Committee on Finance, and serves on the Senate Committees on Property Tax; Natural Resources & Economic Development; Transportation; Agriculture; and Select Committees on Redistricting and Texas Ports.

Nueces County Legislative Delegation Statement on the Harbor Bridge Project TxDOT Releases Letter to Citizens of the Coastal Bend

Contact: Senator Hinojosa – (512) 463-0120
Rep. Herrero – (512) 463-0462
Rep. Hunter – (512) 463-0672

AUSTIN, TX – Today, at the direction of the Coastal Bend Legislative Delegation, James Bass, Executive Director of the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) released a letter to the Citizens of the Coastal Bend explaining their decision to direct Flatiron/Dragados LLC to remove FIGG Bridge Engineers from the main spans of the New Harbor Bridge Replacement Project. This letter is in response to questions our offices were receiving about this issue and to provide an update on the status of the project.

As your state elected officials, we have made clear that public safety and transparency are a priority. It is important for the public to know TxDOTs reasoning for their decision to direct the removal of FIGG from the main spans part of the project. We expect Flatiron/Dragados to find a replacement engineering design firm soon and remain confident in TxDOTs commitment to construct a safe bridge.

We have asked TxDOT leadership to provide us an update on the completion timeline and potential cost impact as soon as possible. Any questions from the public or the media can be made to Rickey Dailey with the TxDOT Corpus Christi District Office at (361) 808-2544.

Senator Hinojosa Receives the “Border Super Hero Award” from the Border Prosecution Unit

South Padre Island, TX – Today, Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa was presented the “Border Super Hero Award” by the Border Prosecution Unit at their Region 3 Training in South Padre Island. The Border Prosecution Unit (BPU) is an initiative involving the Texas Department of Public Safety and each of the district attorneys in the border jurisdictions of Texas. In each of these offices, an assistant district attorney is assigned to handle a specialized caseload of border crime cases.

Senator Hinojosa was instrumental and led the effort alongside Governor Rick Perry in 2009 to create and fund the BPU for the purpose of providing dedicated prosecution resources in aid of state border security operations. As Vice Chair of the Senate Finance Committee, Senator Hinojosa secured the initial $2 million to be administered as a trusteed grant program through the Criminal Justice Division in the Office of the Governor.

In 2015, Senator Hinojosa joined State Representative Oscar Longoria in authoring and passing House Bill 12 which formalized the duties and responsibilities of the BPU and designated it to be a unit in the Office of the Governor. In 2019, Senator Hinojosa continued his commitment to the BPU and successfully fought to secure an additional $3 million from the previous budget for a total of $15 million for the 2020-21 budget.

Senator Hinojosa expressed his appreciation for the honor of this award:

“I am honored to receive the Border Super Hero Award from the Border Prosecution Unit. For the past ten years, I have witnessed the BPU’s key role in combating crime and securing our communities. Our border prosecutors face unique challenges dealing with large numbers of drug trafficking, human smuggling, and money laundering cases with limited resources. I’m pleased that the initial investment of $2 million I secured in 2009 has now transformed to $7.5 million per year for training law enforcement, providing investigators, and improving coordination of prosecution efforts all along the border. I appreciate the leadership and work of Jaime Esparza, BPU Project Director, Tom Krampitz, General Counsel, and Hidalgo County District Attorney Ricardo Rodriguez and look forward to continue working together to fight against criminal organizations and keep Texans safe.”

Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa proudly represents the counties of Nueces, Jim Wells, Brooks, and Hidalgo (part). Senator Hinojosa currently serves as Vice-Chairman of the Senate Committee on Finance and the Senate Committee on Redistricting, and serves on the Senate Committees on Property Tax; Natural Resources & Economic Development; Transportation; Agriculture; and Select Committee on Texas Ports.


AUSTIN — On Friday, the Texas General Land Office (GLO) announced that the City of Corpus Christi’s grant application for $1,319,559, to be used to conduct a buyout program that targets homes that are the most vulnerable to flooding, has been approved by the GLO. The City of Corpus Christi may use these funds to buyout or acquire eligible homes at a pre-storm or post-storm fair market value to move homeowners out of harm’s way to a lower-risk area.

The GLO allocated $275 million to the Local Buyout and Acquisition Program from the U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Community Development Block Grant for Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR). The GLO allocated the funds to regional Council of Governments’ (COGs) based on a HUD approved needs assessment. The locally-led COGs then conducted methods of distribution (MODs) for determining buyout and acquisition amounts for cities and counties within each jurisdiction.

This past session, Hurricane Harvey was a priority and the Texas Legislature passed several bills related to funding flood mitigation projects. As Vice Chair of the Senate Finance Committee, Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa was instrumental in securing funding to help local communities plan for future flood events. Senator Hinojosa was a co-author of Senate Bill 500, which authorized a one-time transfer of $793 million from the “Rainy Day” Fund to the Flood Infrastructure Fund created under another bill also co-authored by Senator Hinojosa, Senate Bill 7.

Senator Hinojosa released the following statement:

“I commend the City of Corpus Christi Mayor Joe McComb, the Corpus Christi City Council, and all city staff for applying for this grant. It takes teamwork and requires our local, state, and federal leaders working together to find solutions and be better prepared for future flooding events. These funds will improve safety and protect what is usually a person’s biggest investment, their home, by giving the selected families an opportunity to sell and move from an area that is vulnerable to flooding to somewhere less at risk. 

Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa proudly represents the counties of Nueces, Jim Wells, Brooks, and Hidalgo (part). Senator Hinojosa currently serves as Vice-Chairman of the Senate Committee on Finance, and serves on the Senate Committees on Property Tax; Natural Resources & Economic Development; Transportation; Agriculture; and Select Committees on Redistricting and Texas Ports.

Senator Hinojosa Receives the “2019 Senator of the Year” Award from the Texas State Association of Fire Fighters

Houston, Texas – Today, the Texas State Association of Fire Fighters (TSAFF), honored Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa with the 2019 TSAFF Senator of the Year Award for the 2019 Legislative Session at the organization’s annual conference. He was honored with this award for his leadership in authoring Senate Bill 2551 and his extraordinary efforts on behalf of Texas firefighters.

Senate Bill 2551 made it easier for a firefighter to file for worker’s compensation if diagnosed with one of eleven specified cancers. Before the bill was passed, there was a question about what types of cancers would be covered or not covered. This bill clarifies it and establishes a defined procedure by which they will receive their benefits without having to go through a long process.

Senator Hinojosa expressed his appreciation for the honor of this award:

“I am thankful and humbled that the Texas State Association of Fire Fighters has recognized me with this distinguished award. Senate Bill 2551 addresses the challenges faced by firefighters trying to get compensation for work-related injuries or health issues. Our firefighters have earned and deserve our support. These brave men and women do not hesitate to enter into a burning building to save lives and property. Firefighters incur a higher risk of being diagnosed with certain cancers due to exposure while on the job. By identifying specific cancers in statute that have been proven to cause cancer, the bill reduces the hurdles and ambiguity faced by our firefighters when they are fighting for their benefits they have earned.

Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa proudly represents the counties of Nueces, Jim Wells, Brooks, and Hidalgo (part). Senator Hinojosa currently serves as Vice-Chairman of the Senate Committee on Finance and the Senate Committee on Redistricting, and serves on the Senate Committees on Property Tax; Natural Resources & Economic Development; Transportation; Agriculture; and Select Committee on Texas Ports.


AUSTIN — Today, the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB), at their regularly scheduled board meeting allocated $349,606.25 from the Flood Infrastructure Fund to McAllen to meet its local match requirement for the federal funds previously awarded under FEMA Flood Mitigation Assistance grant program.

In May 2018, FEMA had accepted McAllen’s application for a federal grant of $1,048,818.75 for a drainage mitigation project. The federal grant provided through this assistance is funded through FEMA and then distributed by the TWDB. However, the grant program can require up to a 25 percent local match from the city in order to receive the federal funds. In some circumstances, cities are unable to provide the local match which results in federal dollars going unused or reallocated to other states.

This past session, the Texas Legislature passed several bills related to funding flood mitigation projects. As Vice Chair of the Senate Finance Committee, Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa was instrumental in securing funding to help local communities plan for future flood events. Senator Hinojosa was a co-author of Senate Bill 500, which authorized a one-time transfer of $793 million from the “Rainy Day” Fund to the Flood Infrastructure Fund created under another bill co-authored by Senator Hinojosa, Senate Bill 7. Using the Flood Infrastructure Fund, the Legislature authorized the TWDB to use the funds to provide eligible political subdivisions with grants to satisfy the local match requirements in a federal program for flood projects. As a result of the action taken today by the TWDB, the City of McAllen and its taxpayers will not have the financial burden to meet its local match requirement to receive the federal funds previously approved by FEMA.

Senator Hinojosa released the following statement:

“I was proud to support the funding that allows the state to provide grants for our local governmental entities that will help cover the local match requirement for federal funding. The flooding events we have had the past few years show how vulnerable our communities remain to flooding. I commend the City of McAllen Mayor Jim Darling, the city commission, and their staff for applying for this federal grant for a drainage mitigation project, and am pleased the state is doing its part to eliminate the burden of the local match to provide flood control for our communities.”

Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa proudly represents the counties of Nueces, Jim Wells, Brooks, and Hidalgo (part). Senator Hinojosa currently serves as Vice-Chairman of the Senate Committee on Finance, and serves on the Senate Committees on Property Tax; Natural Resources & Economic Development; Transportation; Agriculture; and Select Committees on Redistricting and Texas Ports.