McALLEN, TEXAS – Senator Hinojosa issued the following statement in response to the Trump Administration’s plan to deploy the National Guard to the U.S.-Mexico border.:

“I oppose the Trump Administration’s plan to send the National Guard to the border. This administration makes decisions based on impulse and distorts reality to fit their political agenda. We cannot and should not make decisions based on misinformation and politics. Yes, we must define and protect our borders. However, we should be smart and strategic about how we do it. This plan is neither.

The Texas Legislature has made significant investments in border security operations. In 2015 and 2017, funding was approved to add additional law enforcement personnel in South Texas. To date, the Texas Department of Public Safety has 250 state troopers patrolling border communities and 22 Texas Rangers focused on corruption in South Texas. Additionally, we have Texas National Guard providing support and surveillance, Game Wardens conducting ground and marine patrols along our ports of entry, and TABC officers combating those engaged in cartel or gang activity and using businesses to launder money. And let’s not forget our federal law enforcement assets already deployed along the border:  CBP, DEA, FBI, and ICE.

Let’s be clear, our country is not at war with Mexico. Militarizing the Texas border sends the wrong message to our number one trading partner. What’s more, the majority crossing our borders are families, primarily women and children who immediately surrender once they come across. The men and women of our National Guard should not be unnecessarily pulled away from their families and occupations just to score political points. Instead, this administration needs to work with Congress to reform our broken immigration system and fix the underlying problem.

Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa proudly represents the counties of Nueces, Jim Wells, Brooks, and Hidalgo (part). Senator Hinojosa served as the Senate President Pro Tempore of the Texas Senate in the 84th Texas Legislature. Senator Hinojosa currently serves as Vice-Chairman of the Senate Committee on Finance, and serves on the Senate Committees on Natural Resources & Economic Development, Agriculture, Water & Rural Affairs and Transportation.

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